Dear Visitors,
We would love to hear about your experiences with us here at the Findhorn Village Centre and Hostel.
We have met so many different people, from so many different parts of the world, and we would love it if we could share your feedback.
Many of you have visited part way through an adventure, training for an qualification, or simply to enjoy a little R&R.
Hopefully we will meet some of you again in the future.
Many thanks,
The Directors


Great hostel!
We were staying here with group of friends this October. Brilliant facilities, great location! Definately would be coming back
Posted by Claire on 16 November 2017
Recent visit
Hi, thank you for a great two night stay in the Findhorn Village Hostel, we were a party of thirteen visiting for a family wedding although only twelve of us were in the hostel. We found it very comfortable, very clean and tidy, bunk beds great, and the kitchen area superb, also the communal area with tv videos games etc. were an absolute joy. Thanks again and if we are in the Findhorn area again we will almost certainly book in the hostel. Mrs C Gallagher.
Posted by Mrs. C. Gallagher on 04 July 2016
Up with the very best
I had a most comfortable and relaxing four-day stay at the hostel. It goes without saying that the renovation has been carefully thought through and has achieved a level of accommodation and standard of equipment that is second to none. But as always, it’s the people that make the difference; the hospitality, friendliness and care extended to guests is outstanding. Everyone involved with the hostel and community centre really do go the extra mile.
I have been travelling almost constantly, home and abroad, since February; the hostel is up with the best equipped, maintained and welcoming I have found. As a measure of how much I was made to feel at home, I have never stayed in any one place for more than two nights.
I hope to be back again this year.
John W
Posted by John Wilkinson on 21 June 2016
Hi Karin, and Mo
Had another wonderful stay last month, sorry to have missed you Karin, Mo took care of things wonderfully, I really enjoyed taking part in the Trash and Treasure event, hopefully I will get up again this year, See you soon

Posted by Sybil Baldwin on 05 August 2015
Well Done in raising the funds to refurbish the Hostel that is fantastic news, I am very glad to see this news, and I look forward to seeing it all when it is finished.........more to the point staying in the newly refurbished hostel, But you will see me well before then, All the best see you soon

Posted by Sybil Baldwin on 20 February 2015
Thank you once again
Posted on 07 October 2014
May 2014
Posted on 03 June 2014
weekend stay
Posted on 12 November 2013
Another fab stay
Posted on 17 October 2013
Piping Hot Forres Weekend
Posted on 02 July 2013
Thank you
Posted on 23 April 2012
Posted on 25 March 2012
Thanks for a great stay
Posted on 01 March 2012
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Funded by
Landfill Community Trust
Foundation Scotland
Coastal Communities Fund
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